Book/Magazine Articles

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These papers comprise a selected bibliography pertaining to the areas of research of this lab written or co-written by its members. For a complete bibliography of each person, see that person’s home page.


  1. Chignell, M., Cordy, J., Ng, J. and Yesha, Y. (Eds). The Smart Internet. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6400, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2010.
  2. Parsaye, K. and Chignell, M.H, “Intelligent Database Applications”, New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1993.
  3. Parsaye, K., Chignell, M.H., Khoshafian, S. and Wong, H. “Intelligent Databases: Object‑Oriented, Deductive Hypermedia Technologies”, New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
  4. Hancock, P.A. and Chignell, M.H., (Eds.) “Intelligent Interfaces: Theory, Research, and Design”, Amsterdam, North Holland, 1989.
  5. Parsaye, K. and Chignell, M.H. “Expert Systems for Experts”, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1988.

Book Chapters

  1. Lottridge, D., Chignell, M.H., and Jovicic, A. (2011.) Affective Interaction.  Understanding, Evaluating, and Designing for Human Emotion. Chapter 5 in P. de Lucia (Ed.), (Ed.) Review of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Volume 7, pp. 197-237. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
  2. E.Yu, R. Kealey, M. Chignell, J. Ng and J Lo. (2010).  Smarter Healthcare: An Emergency Physician View of the Problem. In M. Chignell,  J. Cordy, J. Ng., and Y. Yesha, (Eds). The Smart Internet: Current Research and Future Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6400. Berlin: Springer.
  3. Ng., J., Chignell, M.H., Cordy, J., and Yesha, Y. (2010). Motivation. J.Ng, J. Cordy, Y. Yesha, and M. Chignell (Eds). The Smart Internet. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6400, Springer.
  4. Ng., J., Chignell, M.H., Cordy, J., and Yesha, Y. (2010). Overview of the Smart Internet J.Ng, J. Cordy, Y. Yesha, and M. Chignell (Eds). The Smart Internet. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6400, Springer.
  5. Ng., J., Chignell, M.H., Cordy, J., and Yesha, Y. (2010). Smart Interactions. J.Ng, J. Cordy, Y. Yesha, and M. Chignell (Eds). The Smart Internet. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6400, Springer.
  6. Chin, A., and Chignell, M.H. (2010). DISSECT: Data-Intensive Socially Similar Evolving Community Tracker. In Abraham, A.,  Hassanien, A., and Snásel, V. (Eds.). Computational Social Network Analysis: Trends, Tools and Research Advances, pp. 81-105. London: Springer
  7. Gwizdka, J. Chignell, M.H. (2007). Individual Differences in Personal Information Management. In W. Jones and J. Teevan (Eds.), “Personal Information Management” Seattle: University of Washington Press.
  8. Chignell, M.H., Hancock, P.A., and Takeshita, H., “Human-Computer Interaction: The Psychology of Augmented Behavior”.  In P.A. Hancock (Ed.), Human Performance & Ergonomics, Volume 17, Handbook of Perception and Cognition (Edward C. Carterette and Morton P. Friedman general editros), N.Y.: Academi Press, 1999.
  9. Waterworth, J.A. and Chignell, M.H. (1997) “Multimedia Interaction”, Chapter 39, In M. Helander and T.K. Landauer (Eds.), Handbook of Human‑Computer Interaction, Second Edition, pp. 915‑946, Amsterdam, North Holland, 1997.
  10. Chignell, M.H. and Waterworth, J.A. (1997) “Multimedia”, Chapter 55, In G. Salvendy (ed) Handbook of Human Factors (2nd Ed.), pp. 1808‑1861, N.Y., Wiley, 1997.
  11. Brown, E. and Chignell, M.H. (1994) “Free‑form Multimedia for Learning and Design”, In E. Barrett and M. Redmond (Eds.), Culture, Technology, Interpretation: The Challenge of Multimedia, Cambridge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press.
  12. Chignell, M.H. “Cooperative Human‑Machine Reasoning: Communication Through the User Interface”, In R.J. Jorna, B. van Heusden, and R. Posner (Eds.), Signs and Search: Semiotics of Cognition and Expert Systems, pp. 348‑368, Amsterdam, Walter de Gruyter, 1993.
  13. Waterworth, J.A. and Chignell, M.H. “Exploring Multimedia Information”, Chapter 6 (pp. 113‑139), In J.A. Waterworth, Multimedia Interaction with Computers: Human Factors Issues, Chichester, England, Ellis Horwood, 1992.
  14. Glenn, B.T and Chignell, M.H. “Hypermedia: Design for Browsing”, Chapter 6 (pp. 143‑183), In R. Hartson and D. Hix (Eds.), Advances in Human‑Computer Interaction, Vol. 3. Norwood, NJ, Ablex, 1992.
  15. Chignell, M.H., Valdez, J.F. and Waterworth, J.A. “Knowledge Engineering for Hypermedia”, Chapter 10 (pp. 239‑269), In J.A. Waterworth (Ed.), Multimedia: Technology and Applications, Chichester, England, Ellis Horwood, 1991.
  16. Chignell, M.H., Jaffe, L., Smith, P.J., Krawczak, D. and Shute, S.J. “Knowledge‑Based Search Intermediaries for Online Information Retrieval, In R. Aluri and J. Riggs (Eds.), Expert Systems in Libraries, Norwood, NJ, Ablex, 1991.
  17. Higgins, T.J., Chignell, M.H. and Hancock, P.A. “Knowledge Based Supervisory Control in Aerospace Applications”, In P.A. Hancock and M.H. Chignell (Eds.), Intelligent Interfaces: Theory, Research, and Design, Amsterdam, North Holland, 1989.
  18. Chignell, M.H., Hancock, P.A., and Loewenthal, A. “An Introduction to Intelligent Interfaces”, In P.A. Hancock and M.H. Chignell (Eds.), Intelligent Interfaces: Theory Research and Design, Amsterdam, North Holland, 1989.
  19. Smith, P.J., Shute, S.J., Chignell, M.H. and Krawczak, D.A. “Bibliographic Information retrieval: Developing Semantically‑Based Search Systems”, In W. Rouse (Ed.), Advances in Man‑Machine Systems Research, Vol. 5, pp. 93‑152, N.Y., JAI Press, 1989.
  20. Chignell, M.H. and Hancock, P.A., “Intelligent Interface Design”, Chapter 46 in M. Helander (Ed.), Handbook of Human Computer Interaction.  North Holland, 1988, pp. 969‑995, 1988.
  21. Chignell, M.H. “Computers in the Humanities”, In G. Salvendy, Editor, Cognitive Engineering in the Design of Human‑Computer Interaction and Expert Systems, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1987.
  22. Rahimi, M. Hancock, P.A. and Chignell, M.H. “Integrated Software Safety Design for Robotics”, In S.S. Asfors (Ed.), Trends in Ergonomics/Human Factors IV, Amsterdam, North‑Holland, 1987.
  23. Hancock, P.A. and Chignell, M.H. “Adaptive Control in Human‑Machine Systems”, In P.A. Hancock (Ed.) Human Factors Psychology, Amsterdam, North‑Holland, 1987.
  24. Chignell, M.H. and Hancock, P.A. “Horn Clause Representations in Human‑Machine Systems with Adaptive Control”, In W. Karwowski (Ed.), Trends in Ergonomics/Human Factors III, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1986.
  25. Chignell, M.H. and Hancock, P.A. “Comparison of Mental Workload and Available Capacity in Complex Person‑Machine Systems”, In W. Karwowski and A. Mital (Eds.), Fuzzy Methods and Techniques in Ergonomics Research, Elsevier, 1986.
  26. Hancock, P.A. and Chignell, M.H. “The Principle of Maximal Adaptability in Setting Stress Tolerance Standards”, In R. Eberts and C.E. Eberts (Eds.), Trends in Ergonomics/Human Factors II, Amsterdam, North‑Holland, 1985.

Magazine & Bulletin Articles

  1. Industrial Engineer Magazine, Wireless Wellness:  The PDA gets clinical to enhance patient safety, Chignell, M., Takeshita, H., Mizdrak, R., Lottridge, D., Tursman, E., Vogwill, V., Wong, P., Straus, S. Feb. 2006 pp. 44-58