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These journal papers comprise a selected bibliography pertaining to the areas of research of this lab written or co-written by its members. For a complete bibliography of each person, see that person’s home page.

  1. Lee, J., Tong, T., Tierney, M., Kiss, A., & Chignell, M. (2019). LO14: Unrecognized delirium in a cohort of older ED patients assessed at a tertiary care center: Signs of improvement? CJEM, 21(S1), S12-S12. doi:10.1017/cem.2019.57
  2. Kongburan, W., Chignell, M., Charoenkitkarn, N., & Chan, J. H. (2019). Enhancing predictive power of cluster-boosted regression with text-based indexing. IEEE Access7, 43394-43405.
  3. Hancock, P. A., & Chignell, M. H. (2018). On human factors. In Global perspectives on the ecology of human-machine systems (pp. 14-53). CRC Press.
  4. Wilkinson, A., Chignell, M., Kanik, M., & O’Neill, J. (2018). DESIGNING FOR DEMENTIA: THE IMPACT OF INTERACTIVE AMBIENT TECHNOLOGY ON WELL-BEING IN LONG-TERM CARE HOMES. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association14(7), P636.
  5. Blumenthal, J., Wilkinson, A., & Chignell, M. (2018). Physiotherapists’ and Physiotherapy Students’ Perspectives on the Use of Mobile or Wearable Technology in Their Practice. Physiotherapy Canada70(3), 251-261.
  6. St-Cyr, O., Jovanovic, A., Chignell, M., MacDonald, C. M., & Churchill, E. F. (2018). The HCI living curriculum as a community of practice. interactions25(5), 68-75.
  7. Li, W., Spachos, P., Chignell, M., Leon-Garcia, A., Zucherman, L., & Jiang, J. (2018). A quantitative relationship between Application Performance Metrics and Quality of Experience for Over-The-Top video. Computer Networks142, 194-207.
  8. Wilkinson, A., Tong, T., Zare, A., Kanik, M., & Chignell, M. (2018). Monitoring Health Status in Long Term Care Through the Use of Ambient Technologies and Serious Games. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics22(6), 1807-1813.
  9. Marquez, C., Johnson, A. M., Jassemi, S., Park, J., Moore, J. E., Blaine, C., … & Graham, I. D. (2018). Enhancing the uptake of systematic reviews of effects: what is the best format for health care managers and policy-makers? A mixed-methods study. Implementation Science13(1), 84.
  10. Godfrey, P., Yakovets, N., Abul-Basher, Z., & Chignell, M. H. (2017). WIREFRAME: Two-phase, Cost-based Optimization for Conjunctive Regular Path Queries. In AMW.
  11. Jovanovic, A., St-Cyr, O., & Chignell, M. (2017). Towards the HCI living curriculum. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA).
  12. Blumenthal, J., Wilkinson, A., Cheuk, R. T. F., Charoenkitkarn, P., Charoenkitkarn, N., & Chignell, M. (2017). Cognitive capacity and smartphone dual-task gait measurement. Procedia Computer Science111, 87-94.
  13. Chignell, M., Kealey, R., DeGuzman, C., Zucherman, L., & Jiang, J. (2017). A case study in visualizing disruptions to service quality. Procedia computer science111, 95-104.
  14. Tong, T., Chignell, M., Tierney, M. C., Sirois, M. J., Goldstein, J., Émond, M., … & Lee, J. S. (2017). Technology profiles as proxies for measuring functional and frailty status. Procedia computer science111, 77-86.
  15. Ghajar-Khosravi, S., & Chignell, M. (2017). Pragmatics of Network Centrality. The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods, 309.
  16. Lee, J. S., Chignell, M., Tong, T., Émond, M., Sirois, M., Goldstein, J., … & Tierney, M. C. (2017). PREDICT-PREDICTING EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT INCIDENT DELIRIUM WITH AN INTERACTIVE COMPUTER TABLET. Innovation in Aging1(suppl_1), 1218-1218.
  17. Lee, J. S., Goldstein, J., Tierney, M. C., Sirois, M., Chignell, M., Nolan, M., … & Émond, M. (2017). TABLE-BASED CLINICAL FRAILTY SCALE—AGREEMENT BETWEEN ED PHYSICIANS, PATIENTS AND CAREGIVERS. Innovation in Aging1(suppl_1), 1398-1398.
  18. Tong, T., Chignell, M., Tierney, M. C., & Lee, J. S. (2016). Test-retest reliability of a serious game for delirium screening in the emergency department. Frontiers in aging neuroscience8, 258.
  19. Ongvisatepaiboon, K., Vanijja, V., Chignell, M., Mekhora, K., & Chan, J. H. (2016). Smartphone-based audio-biofeedback system for shoulder joint tele-rehabilitation. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics6(4), 1127-1134.
  20. Rouzbahman, M., Jovicic, A., & Chignell, M. (2016). Can cluster-boosted regression improve prediction of death and length of stay in the ICU?. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics21(3), 851-858.
  21. Blumenthal, J., Chignell, M., & Sieminowski, T. (2016). Gait Variability and Assessment of Cognitive Impairment. Iproceedings2(1), e34.
  22. Tong, T., Chignell, M., Tierney, M. C., & Lee, J. (2016). A serious game for clinical assessment of cognitive status: validation study. JMIR serious games4(1), e7.
  23. Tong, T., DeGuzman, C., Chignell, M., Tierney, M. C., & Lee, J. (2016). Feasibility of Using a Game-Based Cognitive Assessment for Older Adults in Emergency Care. Iproceedings2(1), e35.
  24. Abul-Basher, Z., Yakovets, N., Godfrey, P., & Chignell, M. H. (2016). SwarmGuide: Towards Multiple-Query Optimization in Graph Databases. In AMW.
  25. Chignell, M., Kealey, R., DeGuzman, C., Zucherman, L., & Jiang, J. (2016). Using visualizations to measure SQE: individual differences, and pricing and disruption type effects. Working paper, Interactive Media Lab, University of Toronto.
  26. Sellen, K. M., Jovanovic, A., Perrier, L., & Chignell, M. (2015). Systematic review of electronic remote blood issue. Vox sanguinis109(1), 35-43.
  27. Chignell, M., Tong, T., Mizobuchi, S., Delange, T., Ho, W., & Walmsley, W. (2015). Combining multiple measures into a single figure of merit. Procedia Computer Science69, 36-43.
  28. Tong, T., Guana, V., Jovanovic, A., Tran, F., Mozafari, G., Chignell, M., & Stroulia, E. (2015). Rapid deployment and evaluation of mobile serious games: A cognitive assessment case study. Procedia Computer Science69, 96-103.
  29. Tong, T., Chignell, M., & Sieminowski, T. (2015). Case study: a serious game for neurorehabilitation assessment. Procedia Computer Science69, 125-131.
  30. Zucherman, L., Chignell, M., & Jiang, J. (2015). Towards a Model for Likelihood to Recommend (L2R) based on Accumulated Experience with an Online Service.
  31. Chignell, M., Li, W., Leon-Garcia, A., Zucherman, L., & Jiang, J. (2015). Enhancing reliability through screening and segmentation: An online video subjective quality of experience case study. Procedia Computer Science69, 55-65.
  32. Sellen, K. M., Jovanovic, A., Perrier, L., & Chignell, M. (2015). Systematic review of electronic remote blood issue. Vox sanguinis109(1), 35-43.
  33. Chignell, M., & Rouzbahman, M. (2014). A search engine for structured health data.
  34. Kastner, M., Sawka, A. M., Hamid, J., Chen, M., Thorpe, K., Chignell, M., … & Straus, S. E. (2014). A knowledge translation tool improved osteoporosis disease management in primary care: an interrupted time series analysis. Implementation Science9(1), 109.
  35. Chignell, M., Jovanovic, A., Chelsea, D. G., Jiang, J., & Leon, Z. (2014). Frustration in Response to Impairments and Failures in Online Services, and Resulting Impact on Customer Attitudes.
  36. Chignell, M. H., & Hancock, P. A. (2014). University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089. Applications of Fuzzy Set Theory in Human Factors6, 271.
  37. Rouzbahman, M., & Chignell, M. (2014). Predicting ICU Death with Summarized Data: The Emerging Health Data Search Engine.
  38. Sellen, K., & Chignell, M. (2014). Pace and temporality in safety critical medical work: concepts for understanding adaptation behaviors.
  39. Samavi, R., Consens, M. P., & Chignell, M. (2014). PHR user privacy concerns and behaviours. Procedia Computer Science37, 517-524.
  40. Tong, T., & Chignell, M. (2013, October). Designing game-based cognitive assessments for elderly adults. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gameful design, research, and applications (pp. 127-130). ACM.
  41. Chignell, M., Cordy, J. R., Kealey, R., Ng, J., & Yesha, Y. (2013). The Personal Web. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  42. Chignell, M., Cordy, J. R., Kealey, R., Ng, J., & Yesha, Y. (2013). The Personal Web. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  43. Ghajar-Khosravi, S., Holub, L., Canella, D., Sharpe, W., & Chignell, M. (2013). Simplifying the task of group gift giving. In The Personal Web (pp. 185-220). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  44. Ghajar-Khosravi, S., Tarlo, S. M., Liss, G. M., Chignell, M., Ribeiro, M., Levinson, A. J., & Gupta, S. (2013). Development of a web-based, work-related asthma educational tool for patients with asthma. Canadian respiratory journal20(6), 417-423.
  45. Zhao, S., Brumby, D. P., Chignell, M., Salvucci, D., & Goyal, S. (2013). Shared input multimodal mobile interfaces: Interaction modality effects on menu selection in single-task and dual-task environments. Interacting with computers25(5), 386-403.
  46. Chignell, M., Rouzbahman, M., Kealey, R., Samavi, R., Yu, E., & Sieminowski, T. (2013). Nonconfidential patient types in emergency clinical decision support. IEEE Security & Privacy11(6), 12-18.
  47. Caine, K., Lesk, M., Chignell, M., Rouzbahman, M., Kealey, R., Samavi, R., … & Candon, T. (2013). Healthcare IT.
  48. Gupta, S., Wan, F. T., Ducharme, F. M., Chignell, M. H., Lougheed, M. D., & Straus, S. E. (2012). Asthma action plans are highly variable and do not conform to best visual design practices. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology108(4), 260-265.
  49. Menon, A., Korner-Bitensky, N., Chignell, M., & Straus, S. (2012). Usability testing of two e-learning resources: methods to maximize potential for clinician use. Journal of rehabilitation medicine44(4), 338-345.
  50. Lottridge, D., Chignell, M., and Yasumura, M. (2012). Identifying cultural differences in emotion through implicit, and explicit, measures. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 3(2), 199-210.
  51. Mizobuchi, S., Chignell, M., Suzuki, J., Koga, K., & Nawa, K. (2012). The Impact of Central Executive Function Loadings on Driving-Related Performance. Adjun. Proc. AutomotiveUI’12, 68-75.
  52. Ghajar-Khosravi, S., Wan, F., Gupta, S., & Chignell, M. (2012). Reverse engineering of content to find usability problems: a healthcare case study. Journal of Usability Studies8(1), 16-28.
  53. Gupta S, Wan FT, Newton D, Bhattacharyya OK, Chignell MH, Straus SE. WikiBuild: a new online collaboration process for multistakeholder tool development and consensus building. J Med Internet Res 2011;13(4):e108
  54. Kastner, M, Sawka, A.M., Thorpe, K., Chignell, M., Marquez, C., Newton, D., Straus, S.E. (2011). Evaluation of a Clinical Decision Support Tool for osteoporosis disease management: Protocol for an Interrupted Time Series Design. Implementation Science, 2011, 6:77.
  55. Lottridge, D., Chignell, M.H., and Straus, S. (2011). Requirements Analysis for Customization using Subgroup Differences and Large Sample User Testing: A Case Study of Information Retrieval on Handheld Devices in Healthcare. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 41, 208-218.
  56. Li, J., and Chignell, M. H. (2011). Communication of Emotion in Social Robots through Simple Head and Arm Movements. International Journal of Social Robots, 3(2), 125-142.
  57. Chin, A, Chignell, M.H., and Wang, H. (2010) Tracking Cohesive Subgroups over Time in Inferred Social Networks. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 16(1), 113 – 139.
  58. Li, J. and Chignell, M.H. (2010). Personality and Blogs: Do Bloggers of a Feather Flock Together? International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68, 589-602.
  59. Chin, A., Keelan, J., Pavri-Garcia, V., Tomlinson, G., Wilson, K., and Chignell, M.H. (2010). Automated Delineation of Subgroups in Web Video:  A Medical Activism Case Study. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 15(3), 447-464.
  60. Pavlovic, N.J., Keillor, J., Hollands, J.G., and Chignell, M.H.  (2009). Reference frame congruency in search-and-rescue tasks. Human Factors, Vol. 51, No. 2, April 2009, pp. 240-250
  61. Menon A, Straus S, Korner-Bitensky N, Kastner M, McKibbon A, Chignell M, Thorpe K. Strategies for rehabilitation professionals to move evidence-based knowledge into practice: A systematic review. J Rehab Med, 2009; 41(13):1024-1032.
  62. Mizobuchi, S., Bergquist, J., Hakkinen, J., and Chignell, M.H. (2008). The Effect of Stereoscopic Viewing in a Word Search Task with a Layered Background. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 16(11), 1105-1113
  63. Chin, A. and Chignell, M.H. (2008). Automatic detection of cohesive subgroups within social hypertext: A heuristic approach. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia,14:1,121 — 143.
  64. Wu, R.C., Orr, M.E., Chignell, M., and Straus, S.E. (2008). Usability of a mobile electronic medical record prototype: a verbal protocol analysis. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 33(2), 139=149.
  65. Orr, M.E., Gillis, D., Chignell, M.H., and Straus, S.E. (2008). Requirements Analysis and Prototyping of an Audio Capturing and Transcription System. The Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare 2008; 6(2): 160–170.
  66. Lottridge D., Chignell M., Danicic-Mizdrak R., Pavlovic N., Kushniruk A., Straus, S. (2007). Group differences in physician responses to handheld presentation of clinical evidence: a verbal protocol analysis.BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 7:22.
  67. Chin, A. and Chignell, M.H. (2007). “Identifying Communities in Blogs: Roles for Social Network Analysis and Survey Instruments”. International Journal of Web Based Communities. Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 345-363.
  68. Bodner, R.C. and Chignell, M.H. (2006). A Framework for Automated Evaluation of Hypertext Search Interfaces. Journal of Digital Information, 7(2).
  69. Gwizdka, J, Chignell. M.H. (2004). Individual Differences and Task-based User Interface Evaluation: A Case Study of Pending Tasks in Email. Interacting with Computers, 16 (4). 769-797
  70. Modjeska, D. and Chignell, M. (2003). Individual Differences in Exploration using Desktop VR.  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(3), 216-228.
  71. Yaltaghian, B., and Chignell, M., (2002), Searching the Hypermedia Web: Improved Topic Distillation through Network Analytic Relevance Ranking; The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 8, 171-197.
  72. Zhang, X. and Chignell, M. (2001).  “Assessment of the Effects of User Characteristics on Mental Models of Information Retrieval Systems” Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 52(6), 445-459.
  73. Bodner, R.C., Chignell, M.H., Charoenkitkarn, N., Golovchinsky, G. and Kopak, R.W. (2001), “The Impact of Text Browsing on Text Retrieval Performance”, Information Processing and Management, 37(3), 507-520.
  74. Bodner, R. and Chignell, M.H. (1999) A Framework for Automated Evaluation of Hypertext Search Interfaces. Journal of Digital Information, Special Issue on Adaptive Hypermedia.  Information Processing and Management 35, 337-362.
  75. Bodner, R.C. and Chignell, M.H., (1999), “Dynamic Hypertext: Querying and Linking.”  ACM Computing Surveys, 31, 4es.
  76. Chignell, M.H.; Gwizdka, J. and Bodner, R., (1999), “Discriminating meta-search: A framework for evaluation.”  Information and Processing and Management, 35, 337-362.
  77. Golovchinsky, G., Chignell, M.H. and Charoenkitkarn, N., (1997) “Formal Experiments in Casual Attire: Case Studies in Information Exploration”, New Review of Hypermedia, 3(1), 123-157.
  78. Golovchinsky, G. and Chignell, M.H., (1997), “The Newspaper as an Information Exploration Metaphor“, Information Processing and Management, 33(5), 663‑683.
  79. Fels, D.F., Chignell, M.H., Shein, C.F. and Milner, M., (1996), “Steps Towards Output‑device‑independent Feedback: Evaluation of a Standardized Vocabulary”, Ergonomics, 39(8), 1054‑1068.
  80. Waterworth, J.A., Chignell, M.H. and Zhai, S., (1993), “From Icons to Interfaces: Hypermedia Documents and Information Tools”, International Journal of Man‑Machine Studies, 39, 453‑472.
  81. Brown, E. and Chignell, M.H., (1993), “Learning by Linking: Pedagogical Environments for Hypermedia Authoring”, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 5(1), pp. 27‑50.
  82. Fitzmaurice, G., Zhai, S. and Chignell, M.H., (1993), “Virtual Reality for Palmtop Computers”, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 11(3), pp. 197‑218.
  83. Singh, G. and Chignell, M.H., (1992), “Components of the Visual Computer: A Review of Relevant Technologies”, The Visual Computer, 9(3), pp. 115‑142.
  84. Chignell, M.H., Nordhausen, B., Valdez, J.F. and Waterworth, J.A., (1991), “The HEFTI Model of Text to Hypertext Conversion. Hypermedia, 3(3), pp. 187‑205.
  85. Waterworth, J.A. and Chignell, M.H., (1991), “A Model of Information Exploration”, Hypermedia, 3(1), pp. 35‑58.
  86. Chignell, M.H. and Lacy, R.M., (1991), “Instructional Resources for Research and Writing: The Jefferson Notebook”, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 2(2), pp. 18‑43.
  87. Chignell, M.H., (1990), “Library Workstations of the Future”, Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 27(3), pp. 270‑281.
  88. Waterworth, J.A. and Chignell, M.H., (1989), “A Manifesto for Hypermedia Usability Research”, Hypermedia, 1(3), pp. 205‑234.
  89. Smith, P.J., Shute, S.J., Galdes, D. and Chignell, M.H., (1989), “Knowledge‑Based Search Tactics for an Intelligent Intermediary System”, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 7, pp. 246‑270.
  90. Chignell, M.H. and Peterson, J.G., (1988), “Strategic Issues in Knowledge Engineering”, Human Factors, 30, pp. 427‑440.
  91. Hancock, P.A. and Chignell, M.H., (1988), “Mental Workload Dynamics in Adaptive Interface Design”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 18, pp. 647‑658.
  92. Smith, P.J., Krawczak, D., Shute, S.J. and Chignell, M.H., (1987), “Bibliographic Information Retrieval Systems: Increasing Cognitive Compatibility”, Information Services and Use, 1, pp. 95‑102.
  93. Chignell, M.H. and Higgins, T.J., (1987), “Intelligent Warning Systems for Instrument Landings”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2, pp. 77‑89.
  94. Chignell, M.H. and Patty, B.W., (1987), “Unidimensional Scaling with Efficient Ranking Methods”, Psychological Bulletin, 101 (2), pp. 304‑311.
  95. Chignell, M.H., Loewenthal, A. and Caspi, A., (1986), “The Principles of Caveat Vendor, Caveat Emptor and Caveat Operator in Robotic Safety”, Journal of Occupational Accidents, 8, pp. 79‑90.
  96. Khoshnevis, B. and Chignell, M.H., (1985), “A Framework for Artificial Intelligence Applications Software Development”, Computers in Industry, 6, pp. 363‑369.
  97. Krueger, L.E. and Chignell, M.H., (1985), “Same‑Different Judgments Under High Speed Stress: Missing Feature Principle Predominates in Early Processing”, Perception and Psychophysics, 38, pp. 188‑193.
  98. Chignell, M.H. and Krueger, L.E., (1984), “Further Evidence for Priming in Perceptual Matching: Temporal, Not Spatial, Separation Enhances the Fast‑Same Effect”, Perception and Psychophysics, 36, pp. 257‑265.
  99. Chignell, M.H. and Stacey, B.G., (1981), “The Classification of Patients into Diagnostic Groups”, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 37, pp. 151‑153.
  100. Chignell, M.H. and Stacey, B.G., (1980), “Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Attitude Structure in the New Zealand Electorate”, Psychological Reports, 47, p. 258.
  101. Chignell, M.H. and Stacey, B.G., (1980), “Practical Problems Associated with the Use of Cluster Analysis”, Psychological Reports, 46, pp. 131‑134.​