These journal papers comprise a selected bibliography pertaining to the areas of research of this lab written or co-written by its members. For a complete bibliography of each person, see that person’s home page.
- Lee, J., Tong, T., Tierney, M., Kiss, A., & Chignell, M. (2019). LO14: Unrecognized delirium in a cohort of older ED patients assessed at a tertiary care center: Signs of improvement? CJEM, 21(S1), S12-S12. doi:10.1017/cem.2019.57
- Kongburan, W., Chignell, M., Charoenkitkarn, N., & Chan, J. H. (2019). Enhancing predictive power of cluster-boosted regression with text-based indexing. IEEE Access, 7, 43394-43405.
- Hancock, P. A., & Chignell, M. H. (2018). On human factors. In Global perspectives on the ecology of human-machine systems (pp. 14-53). CRC Press.
- Wilkinson, A., Chignell, M., Kanik, M., & O’Neill, J. (2018). DESIGNING FOR DEMENTIA: THE IMPACT OF INTERACTIVE AMBIENT TECHNOLOGY ON WELL-BEING IN LONG-TERM CARE HOMES. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 14(7), P636.
- Blumenthal, J., Wilkinson, A., & Chignell, M. (2018). Physiotherapists’ and Physiotherapy Students’ Perspectives on the Use of Mobile or Wearable Technology in Their Practice. Physiotherapy Canada, 70(3), 251-261.
- St-Cyr, O., Jovanovic, A., Chignell, M., MacDonald, C. M., & Churchill, E. F. (2018). The HCI living curriculum as a community of practice. interactions, 25(5), 68-75.
- Li, W., Spachos, P., Chignell, M., Leon-Garcia, A., Zucherman, L., & Jiang, J. (2018). A quantitative relationship between Application Performance Metrics and Quality of Experience for Over-The-Top video. Computer Networks, 142, 194-207.
- Wilkinson, A., Tong, T., Zare, A., Kanik, M., & Chignell, M. (2018). Monitoring Health Status in Long Term Care Through the Use of Ambient Technologies and Serious Games. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 22(6), 1807-1813.
- Marquez, C., Johnson, A. M., Jassemi, S., Park, J., Moore, J. E., Blaine, C., … & Graham, I. D. (2018). Enhancing the uptake of systematic reviews of effects: what is the best format for health care managers and policy-makers? A mixed-methods study. Implementation Science, 13(1), 84.
- Godfrey, P., Yakovets, N., Abul-Basher, Z., & Chignell, M. H. (2017). WIREFRAME: Two-phase, Cost-based Optimization for Conjunctive Regular Path Queries. In AMW.
- Jovanovic, A., St-Cyr, O., & Chignell, M. (2017). Towards the HCI living curriculum. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA).
- Blumenthal, J., Wilkinson, A., Cheuk, R. T. F., Charoenkitkarn, P., Charoenkitkarn, N., & Chignell, M. (2017). Cognitive capacity and smartphone dual-task gait measurement. Procedia Computer Science, 111, 87-94.
- Chignell, M., Kealey, R., DeGuzman, C., Zucherman, L., & Jiang, J. (2017). A case study in visualizing disruptions to service quality. Procedia computer science, 111, 95-104.
- Tong, T., Chignell, M., Tierney, M. C., Sirois, M. J., Goldstein, J., Émond, M., … & Lee, J. S. (2017). Technology profiles as proxies for measuring functional and frailty status. Procedia computer science, 111, 77-86.
- Ghajar-Khosravi, S., & Chignell, M. (2017). Pragmatics of Network Centrality. The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods, 309.
- Lee, J. S., Chignell, M., Tong, T., Émond, M., Sirois, M., Goldstein, J., … & Tierney, M. C. (2017). PREDICT-PREDICTING EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT INCIDENT DELIRIUM WITH AN INTERACTIVE COMPUTER TABLET. Innovation in Aging, 1(suppl_1), 1218-1218.
- Lee, J. S., Goldstein, J., Tierney, M. C., Sirois, M., Chignell, M., Nolan, M., … & Émond, M. (2017). TABLE-BASED CLINICAL FRAILTY SCALE—AGREEMENT BETWEEN ED PHYSICIANS, PATIENTS AND CAREGIVERS. Innovation in Aging, 1(suppl_1), 1398-1398.
- Tong, T., Chignell, M., Tierney, M. C., & Lee, J. S. (2016). Test-retest reliability of a serious game for delirium screening in the emergency department. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 8, 258.
- Ongvisatepaiboon, K., Vanijja, V., Chignell, M., Mekhora, K., & Chan, J. H. (2016). Smartphone-based audio-biofeedback system for shoulder joint tele-rehabilitation. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 6(4), 1127-1134.
- Rouzbahman, M., Jovicic, A., & Chignell, M. (2016). Can cluster-boosted regression improve prediction of death and length of stay in the ICU?. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 21(3), 851-858.
- Blumenthal, J., Chignell, M., & Sieminowski, T. (2016). Gait Variability and Assessment of Cognitive Impairment. Iproceedings, 2(1), e34.
- Tong, T., Chignell, M., Tierney, M. C., & Lee, J. (2016). A serious game for clinical assessment of cognitive status: validation study. JMIR serious games, 4(1), e7.
- Tong, T., DeGuzman, C., Chignell, M., Tierney, M. C., & Lee, J. (2016). Feasibility of Using a Game-Based Cognitive Assessment for Older Adults in Emergency Care. Iproceedings, 2(1), e35.
- Abul-Basher, Z., Yakovets, N., Godfrey, P., & Chignell, M. H. (2016). SwarmGuide: Towards Multiple-Query Optimization in Graph Databases. In AMW.
- Chignell, M., Kealey, R., DeGuzman, C., Zucherman, L., & Jiang, J. (2016). Using visualizations to measure SQE: individual differences, and pricing and disruption type effects. Working paper, Interactive Media Lab, University of Toronto.
- Sellen, K. M., Jovanovic, A., Perrier, L., & Chignell, M. (2015). Systematic review of electronic remote blood issue. Vox sanguinis, 109(1), 35-43.
- Chignell, M., Tong, T., Mizobuchi, S., Delange, T., Ho, W., & Walmsley, W. (2015). Combining multiple measures into a single figure of merit. Procedia Computer Science, 69, 36-43.
- Tong, T., Guana, V., Jovanovic, A., Tran, F., Mozafari, G., Chignell, M., & Stroulia, E. (2015). Rapid deployment and evaluation of mobile serious games: A cognitive assessment case study. Procedia Computer Science, 69, 96-103.
- Tong, T., Chignell, M., & Sieminowski, T. (2015). Case study: a serious game for neurorehabilitation assessment. Procedia Computer Science, 69, 125-131.
- Zucherman, L., Chignell, M., & Jiang, J. (2015). Towards a Model for Likelihood to Recommend (L2R) based on Accumulated Experience with an Online Service.
- Chignell, M., Li, W., Leon-Garcia, A., Zucherman, L., & Jiang, J. (2015). Enhancing reliability through screening and segmentation: An online video subjective quality of experience case study. Procedia Computer Science, 69, 55-65.
- Sellen, K. M., Jovanovic, A., Perrier, L., & Chignell, M. (2015). Systematic review of electronic remote blood issue. Vox sanguinis, 109(1), 35-43.
- Chignell, M., & Rouzbahman, M. (2014). A search engine for structured health data.
- Kastner, M., Sawka, A. M., Hamid, J., Chen, M., Thorpe, K., Chignell, M., … & Straus, S. E. (2014). A knowledge translation tool improved osteoporosis disease management in primary care: an interrupted time series analysis. Implementation Science, 9(1), 109.
- Chignell, M., Jovanovic, A., Chelsea, D. G., Jiang, J., & Leon, Z. (2014). Frustration in Response to Impairments and Failures in Online Services, and Resulting Impact on Customer Attitudes.
- Chignell, M. H., & Hancock, P. A. (2014). University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089. Applications of Fuzzy Set Theory in Human Factors, 6, 271.
- Rouzbahman, M., & Chignell, M. (2014). Predicting ICU Death with Summarized Data: The Emerging Health Data Search Engine.
- Sellen, K., & Chignell, M. (2014). Pace and temporality in safety critical medical work: concepts for understanding adaptation behaviors.
- Samavi, R., Consens, M. P., & Chignell, M. (2014). PHR user privacy concerns and behaviours. Procedia Computer Science, 37, 517-524.
- Tong, T., & Chignell, M. (2013, October). Designing game-based cognitive assessments for elderly adults. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gameful design, research, and applications (pp. 127-130). ACM.
- Chignell, M., Cordy, J. R., Kealey, R., Ng, J., & Yesha, Y. (2013). The Personal Web. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Chignell, M., Cordy, J. R., Kealey, R., Ng, J., & Yesha, Y. (2013). The Personal Web. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Ghajar-Khosravi, S., Holub, L., Canella, D., Sharpe, W., & Chignell, M. (2013). Simplifying the task of group gift giving. In The Personal Web (pp. 185-220). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Ghajar-Khosravi, S., Tarlo, S. M., Liss, G. M., Chignell, M., Ribeiro, M., Levinson, A. J., & Gupta, S. (2013). Development of a web-based, work-related asthma educational tool for patients with asthma. Canadian respiratory journal, 20(6), 417-423.
- Zhao, S., Brumby, D. P., Chignell, M., Salvucci, D., & Goyal, S. (2013). Shared input multimodal mobile interfaces: Interaction modality effects on menu selection in single-task and dual-task environments. Interacting with computers, 25(5), 386-403.
- Chignell, M., Rouzbahman, M., Kealey, R., Samavi, R., Yu, E., & Sieminowski, T. (2013). Nonconfidential patient types in emergency clinical decision support. IEEE Security & Privacy, 11(6), 12-18.
- Caine, K., Lesk, M., Chignell, M., Rouzbahman, M., Kealey, R., Samavi, R., … & Candon, T. (2013). Healthcare IT.
- Gupta, S., Wan, F. T., Ducharme, F. M., Chignell, M. H., Lougheed, M. D., & Straus, S. E. (2012). Asthma action plans are highly variable and do not conform to best visual design practices. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 108(4), 260-265.
- Menon, A., Korner-Bitensky, N., Chignell, M., & Straus, S. (2012). Usability testing of two e-learning resources: methods to maximize potential for clinician use. Journal of rehabilitation medicine, 44(4), 338-345.
- Lottridge, D., Chignell, M., and Yasumura, M. (2012). Identifying cultural differences in emotion through implicit, and explicit, measures. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 3(2), 199-210.
- Mizobuchi, S., Chignell, M., Suzuki, J., Koga, K., & Nawa, K. (2012). The Impact of Central Executive Function Loadings on Driving-Related Performance. Adjun. Proc. AutomotiveUI’12, 68-75.
- Ghajar-Khosravi, S., Wan, F., Gupta, S., & Chignell, M. (2012). Reverse engineering of content to find usability problems: a healthcare case study. Journal of Usability Studies, 8(1), 16-28.
- Gupta S, Wan FT, Newton D, Bhattacharyya OK, Chignell MH, Straus SE. WikiBuild: a new online collaboration process for multistakeholder tool development and consensus building. J Med Internet Res 2011;13(4):e108
- Kastner, M, Sawka, A.M., Thorpe, K., Chignell, M., Marquez, C., Newton, D., Straus, S.E. (2011). Evaluation of a Clinical Decision Support Tool for osteoporosis disease management: Protocol for an Interrupted Time Series Design. Implementation Science, 2011, 6:77.
- Lottridge, D., Chignell, M.H., and Straus, S. (2011). Requirements Analysis for Customization using Subgroup Differences and Large Sample User Testing: A Case Study of Information Retrieval on Handheld Devices in Healthcare. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 41, 208-218.
- Li, J., and Chignell, M. H. (2011). Communication of Emotion in Social Robots through Simple Head and Arm Movements. International Journal of Social Robots, 3(2), 125-142.
- Chin, A, Chignell, M.H., and Wang, H. (2010) Tracking Cohesive Subgroups over Time in Inferred Social Networks. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 16(1), 113 – 139.
- Li, J. and Chignell, M.H. (2010). Personality and Blogs: Do Bloggers of a Feather Flock Together? International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68, 589-602.
- Chin, A., Keelan, J., Pavri-Garcia, V., Tomlinson, G., Wilson, K., and Chignell, M.H. (2010). Automated Delineation of Subgroups in Web Video: A Medical Activism Case Study. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 15(3), 447-464.
- Pavlovic, N.J., Keillor, J., Hollands, J.G., and Chignell, M.H. (2009). Reference frame congruency in search-and-rescue tasks. Human Factors, Vol. 51, No. 2, April 2009, pp. 240-250
- Menon A, Straus S, Korner-Bitensky N, Kastner M, McKibbon A, Chignell M, Thorpe K. Strategies for rehabilitation professionals to move evidence-based knowledge into practice: A systematic review. J Rehab Med, 2009; 41(13):1024-1032.
- Mizobuchi, S., Bergquist, J., Hakkinen, J., and Chignell, M.H. (2008). The Effect of Stereoscopic Viewing in a Word Search Task with a Layered Background. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 16(11), 1105-1113
- Chin, A. and Chignell, M.H. (2008). Automatic detection of cohesive subgroups within social hypertext: A heuristic approach. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia,14:1,121 — 143.
- Wu, R.C., Orr, M.E., Chignell, M., and Straus, S.E. (2008). Usability of a mobile electronic medical record prototype: a verbal protocol analysis. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 33(2), 139=149.
- Orr, M.E., Gillis, D., Chignell, M.H., and Straus, S.E. (2008). Requirements Analysis and Prototyping of an Audio Capturing and Transcription System. The Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare 2008; 6(2): 160–170.
- Lottridge D., Chignell M., Danicic-Mizdrak R., Pavlovic N., Kushniruk A., Straus, S. (2007). Group differences in physician responses to handheld presentation of clinical evidence: a verbal protocol analysis.BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 7:22.
- Chin, A. and Chignell, M.H. (2007). “Identifying Communities in Blogs: Roles for Social Network Analysis and Survey Instruments”. International Journal of Web Based Communities. Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 345-363.
- Bodner, R.C. and Chignell, M.H. (2006). A Framework for Automated Evaluation of Hypertext Search Interfaces. Journal of Digital Information, 7(2).
- Gwizdka, J, Chignell. M.H. (2004). Individual Differences and Task-based User Interface Evaluation: A Case Study of Pending Tasks in Email. Interacting with Computers, 16 (4). 769-797
- Modjeska, D. and Chignell, M. (2003). Individual Differences in Exploration using Desktop VR. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(3), 216-228.
- Yaltaghian, B., and Chignell, M., (2002), Searching the Hypermedia Web: Improved Topic Distillation through Network Analytic Relevance Ranking; The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 8, 171-197.
- Zhang, X. and Chignell, M. (2001). “Assessment of the Effects of User Characteristics on Mental Models of Information Retrieval Systems” Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 52(6), 445-459.
- Bodner, R.C., Chignell, M.H., Charoenkitkarn, N., Golovchinsky, G. and Kopak, R.W. (2001), “The Impact of Text Browsing on Text Retrieval Performance”, Information Processing and Management, 37(3), 507-520.
- Bodner, R. and Chignell, M.H. (1999) A Framework for Automated Evaluation of Hypertext Search Interfaces. Journal of Digital Information, Special Issue on Adaptive Hypermedia. Information Processing and Management 35, 337-362.
- Bodner, R.C. and Chignell, M.H., (1999), “Dynamic Hypertext: Querying and Linking.” ACM Computing Surveys, 31, 4es.
- Chignell, M.H.; Gwizdka, J. and Bodner, R., (1999), “Discriminating meta-search: A framework for evaluation.” Information and Processing and Management, 35, 337-362.
- Golovchinsky, G., Chignell, M.H. and Charoenkitkarn, N., (1997) “Formal Experiments in Casual Attire: Case Studies in Information Exploration”, New Review of Hypermedia, 3(1), 123-157.
- Golovchinsky, G. and Chignell, M.H., (1997), “The Newspaper as an Information Exploration Metaphor“, Information Processing and Management, 33(5), 663‑683.
- Fels, D.F., Chignell, M.H., Shein, C.F. and Milner, M., (1996), “Steps Towards Output‑device‑independent Feedback: Evaluation of a Standardized Vocabulary”, Ergonomics, 39(8), 1054‑1068.
- Waterworth, J.A., Chignell, M.H. and Zhai, S., (1993), “From Icons to Interfaces: Hypermedia Documents and Information Tools”, International Journal of Man‑Machine Studies, 39, 453‑472.
- Brown, E. and Chignell, M.H., (1993), “Learning by Linking: Pedagogical Environments for Hypermedia Authoring”, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 5(1), pp. 27‑50.
- Fitzmaurice, G., Zhai, S. and Chignell, M.H., (1993), “Virtual Reality for Palmtop Computers”, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 11(3), pp. 197‑218.
- Singh, G. and Chignell, M.H., (1992), “Components of the Visual Computer: A Review of Relevant Technologies”, The Visual Computer, 9(3), pp. 115‑142.
- Chignell, M.H., Nordhausen, B., Valdez, J.F. and Waterworth, J.A., (1991), “The HEFTI Model of Text to Hypertext Conversion. Hypermedia, 3(3), pp. 187‑205.
- Waterworth, J.A. and Chignell, M.H., (1991), “A Model of Information Exploration”, Hypermedia, 3(1), pp. 35‑58.
- Chignell, M.H. and Lacy, R.M., (1991), “Instructional Resources for Research and Writing: The Jefferson Notebook”, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 2(2), pp. 18‑43.
- Chignell, M.H., (1990), “Library Workstations of the Future”, Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 27(3), pp. 270‑281.
- Waterworth, J.A. and Chignell, M.H., (1989), “A Manifesto for Hypermedia Usability Research”, Hypermedia, 1(3), pp. 205‑234.
- Smith, P.J., Shute, S.J., Galdes, D. and Chignell, M.H., (1989), “Knowledge‑Based Search Tactics for an Intelligent Intermediary System”, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 7, pp. 246‑270.
- Chignell, M.H. and Peterson, J.G., (1988), “Strategic Issues in Knowledge Engineering”, Human Factors, 30, pp. 427‑440.
- Hancock, P.A. and Chignell, M.H., (1988), “Mental Workload Dynamics in Adaptive Interface Design”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 18, pp. 647‑658.
- Smith, P.J., Krawczak, D., Shute, S.J. and Chignell, M.H., (1987), “Bibliographic Information Retrieval Systems: Increasing Cognitive Compatibility”, Information Services and Use, 1, pp. 95‑102.
- Chignell, M.H. and Higgins, T.J., (1987), “Intelligent Warning Systems for Instrument Landings”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2, pp. 77‑89.
- Chignell, M.H. and Patty, B.W., (1987), “Unidimensional Scaling with Efficient Ranking Methods”, Psychological Bulletin, 101 (2), pp. 304‑311.
- Chignell, M.H., Loewenthal, A. and Caspi, A., (1986), “The Principles of Caveat Vendor, Caveat Emptor and Caveat Operator in Robotic Safety”, Journal of Occupational Accidents, 8, pp. 79‑90.
- Khoshnevis, B. and Chignell, M.H., (1985), “A Framework for Artificial Intelligence Applications Software Development”, Computers in Industry, 6, pp. 363‑369.
- Krueger, L.E. and Chignell, M.H., (1985), “Same‑Different Judgments Under High Speed Stress: Missing Feature Principle Predominates in Early Processing”, Perception and Psychophysics, 38, pp. 188‑193.
- Chignell, M.H. and Krueger, L.E., (1984), “Further Evidence for Priming in Perceptual Matching: Temporal, Not Spatial, Separation Enhances the Fast‑Same Effect”, Perception and Psychophysics, 36, pp. 257‑265.
- Chignell, M.H. and Stacey, B.G., (1981), “The Classification of Patients into Diagnostic Groups”, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 37, pp. 151‑153.
- Chignell, M.H. and Stacey, B.G., (1980), “Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Attitude Structure in the New Zealand Electorate”, Psychological Reports, 47, p. 258.
- Chignell, M.H. and Stacey, B.G., (1980), “Practical Problems Associated with the Use of Cluster Analysis”, Psychological Reports, 46, pp. 131‑134.